Tuesday, May 30, 2017

The Root of All Problems Pt 1

-by Xavier Manalo

Collectively we all have individual ideas on what our biggest problems are: world hunger, traffic, sickness, war, poverty, climate change, drought, crime, lack of electricity, and countless more. We all focus on each one and try to solve (or at least complain) about them. We fail to recognize the root.

Much like sickness, we tend to find a resolution for each symptom as we see it occur. You get runny nose, you take medicine for it. You get a headache, you take medicine for it. You get a fever, and you take medicine for it. Yet you fail to see that the symptoms are part of a singular sickness that provide individual clues as to what it really is. We tend to focus on one and fail to see it as part of a whole. I guess that's what we do; in everything, in fact.

We are so focused on individuality that we ignore the signs as a whole. We treat the singularity but neglect the truth. And time and time again we fail. Only a few would think past the individual and really recognize it's correlation to a bigger reality.

You, us, household, city, country, government, world leaders; all practice the same method. See a problem, focus on it, resolve it. The issues we face are acted upon in three parts, and there in lies a problem on it's own. One is WHICH problem we see. Two is failing to SEE the real problem. And third is trying to resolve the WRONG problem. Apply this to any issue a person faces and you see it's truth. Be it a world leader, a manager, a CEO, a chaiman, or simply just yourself; you will see that the method have been done over and over, hence a failed result.

When it comes to problems, we have that "problem solved", "done and done", "move on" "out of sight, out of mind" mentality. As long as an immediate problem was addressed and have something to show that the problem was addressed, we are happy and content. If we no longer see it then there's no problem. At least until it returns. We have such telescopic vision on subjects that we fail to see the bigger picture. The bigger issues. The real problems.

Let's take it for a spin on a common problem we all face, shall we.

TRAFFIC. Day in day out, we cry out loud to the top of our lungs! We heat up instantaneously. Our faces get red. Heads fume and rise to the surface (hence global warming, hehe just kidding). We call out all the deities of the world every time we are stuck in traffic on a daily basis. A problem arose so now we cry to our leaders. "What are you going to do about it?", we all cried. As our leaders ponder, they see the immediate problem and try to come up with a solution. Monorails, color coding, enforcers, road widening, and so on and so forth. We see the action, and we recognize their solution. Done and done. Or at least for now. Then the traffic builds up some more and then we cry again.

Sound familiar? Apply this scenario to other problems you see and you will get the same result over and over again. Change the problem, change the action, and the result will still be the same.

Formula 1:

Symptom + Temporary Solution = Unresolved Problem

Take note of this formula as it will keep coming back to you. It applies to everything you do in your daily lives. 

In order to find a cure one must identify the real sickness. To find a real solution, the real problem must be identified. But the Real Solution is kept behind lock and keys.

The locked door requires two keys. First is SEEING; the opening of one's eyes. To see beyond what is accustomed to seeing. To realize the truth in it. To put all the clues together as one and acknowledge the real one behind it. Second is ACCEPTANCE. One must be able to accept the new knowledge acquired. To know that this new knowledge IS the problem and the one that needs addressed. Once you have both, you will have have a better understanding of the real problem. You would've unlocked what so few have access to. You will then be able to find a Real Solution.

"Selfishness". "Do not care". "Not My Problem". "There are people for that". "Complain". "There's nothing I can do about it". "Rant". "I Don't See A Problem". Do any of these sound familiar? Do they apply to you? You see a great problem and immediately turn you back to it. What do you do when there's no water? Or stuck in traffic? Which of the above applies to you. You see a mountain of trash on the road, what comes to mind? No trash on the road means no problem, right? So you move on until you come upon trash.

This mentality is what has kept us from rising to the top. It has hindered us from evolving. It's the brick wall that kept us apart from the rest of the world that have centuries of change ahead of us. Dare I say it? WE ARE IGNORANT. We have become so dull that we can't see past our arms reach. While others have reached for the horizon and stars, we are stuck in the middle ages. Waiting, hoping, wishing.

We tend to wait for hand-me-downs. That is what we are accustomed to. We tend to rely on others to give it to us.  We curse ourselves having this mentality, so much so, that we are left in the dust. We yell, scream, bitch and moan whenever someone reaches out to give us knowledge to do it ourselves. We dont want knowledge, we want it already done and gift wrapped so we dont have to. That is who we are and our characteristics. Right?

Our sense of Entitlement is disturbing and misguided. We think everything is owed to us. That things have to be done for us. That we do not have to lift a finger because other people are supposed to do it for us. I for one am guilty of this. I would be the first to admit. But now I see the truth. My eyes have been opened. I am now free to receive knowledge, and I am ready to do what needs to be done. To recognize the problem, and to find the Real Solution. What about you?

This first part is the beginning. It is for you to prepare you mind of whats to come. For you to be able to grasp the truth of what's about go you way. To receive knowledge. The realization of what we have done so far is integral in the coming solution.

For now, look around you. See the problems, then try to see what's behind the symptoms and attempt to find the root. Think. Reflect on what you have done so far. Think of what your immediate answer would be. Play around with the formula and place real problems out there into the formula. See the "solutions". Are they temporary or are they permanent.

The truth, the real truth is there. SEE it.

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